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6 Cities Walled In The World Amazing

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Below are the 6 Cities walled In The World Amazing :
  1. Avila – Spain
    The city is situated 1117 meters (3665 feet) above sea level, is the highest provincial capital in Spain. Built on a rocky hilltop, in the middle of the desert completely: brown, dry, strewn with large boulders gray, and covered by high mountains. This causes extreme climate, with very hard and long winter and short summer.
  2. Tallinn – Estonia
    Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. The city has a population of about 430,000 inhabitants. Historical city center in Tallinn is a world heritage protected by UNESCO beginning in 1997. Tallinn is situated on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, in north-western Estonia. A limestone cliff runs through the city. It is revealed, for instance, at Toompea and Lasnamäe. However, Toompea is not part of the cliff, but a separate hill.
    The highest point of Tallinn, at 64 meters above sea level, located in the district of Nõmme, in the south-west of the city.
  3. Pingyao
    City of Pingyao is a city district level in China in the middle of Shanxi province. He was located about 715 km from Beijing and 80 km from the provincial capital, Taiyuan. During the Qing Dynasty, Pingyao was the financial center of China. He is now known for its ancient city wall treatments, and he is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
    Pingyao is one of the few Chinese cities that still retain the original layout,
    its ancient city walls, has a height of 12 meters by 5 meters thick around 6 kilometers, and features a series of gigantic towers where the defense can keep the enemy from the bay.
  4. Carcassonne
    Carcassonne is a city in France. Located in the south. Precisely in the region of Languedoc-Roussillon. In 2006, the city has a population of 46,216 people with an area of ​​65.08 km ². The city has a population density of 675 people / km ².
    Some ancient buildings in Carcassonne designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.
  5. Novgorod Kremlin
    Moscow and Saint Petersburg probably the most popular cities in Russia, but none of them can hold the power to Novgorod when it comes to medieval architecture. Despite its name, which translates as "The Great New City", Novgorod is one of the oldest settlements in Russia and also served as the first capital. the high wall of red dates back to the 15th century and managed to protect the Saint Sophia Cathedral, one of the oldest Russian structure.
  6. Great Wall
    Great Wall of China or the Great Wall of China (Traditional Hanzi: 长城; Hanzi is simple: 长城; Pinyin: Changcheng), also known in China as long as the Great Wall of 10,000 Li ¹ (万里长城; 万里长城; Wanli Changcheng) is the longest building ever built by humans, is located in the People's Republic of China. Its length is 6400 kilometers (from Sanhai Pass area in the east to Lop Nur in the west) and the height of 8 meters in order to prevent the invasion of the Mongols from the north at that time. The width of the top 5 m, while the width of the bottom 8 m. Every 180-270 m made a kind of tower. High tower is 11-12 m.

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