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The Pride Of Indonesia In The Eyes Of The World Tourism

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The Pride Of Indonesia In The Eyes Of The World Tourism - Below are some places that became the pride of Indonesia :
  1. KUTA (BALI)
    Kuta is a tourist place located south of Denpasar, the capital city of Bali, Indonesia. Kuta is located in Badung regency. This area is a destination of foreign tourists who are very famous. In Kuta itself there are many shops, restaurants and baths and drying herself. Kuta Beach is often referred to as Sunset Beach or the beach sunset as opposed to Sanur beach. The air field I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport is located not far from Kuta.
    Lake Toba is a volcanic lake with a broad size 100km x 30km in North Sumatra, Sumatra, Indonesia. In the middle of this lake there is a volcanic island called the island. Lake Toba has long been an important tourist destination in North Sumatra, in addition to Bukit Lawang and Nias, attract domestic and foreign tourists.
    Borobudur is the name of a Buddhist temple located at Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java. Location of the temple is approximately 100 miles southwest of Semarang and 40 miles northwest of Yogyakarta. This temple was founded by the Mahayana Buddhists around the year 800 AD during the reign of the Dynasty Syailendra.

    Senggigi Beach is a famous tourist place in Lombok. Located on the west coast of the island of Lombok. Senggigi Beach is not as big as Kuta Beach in Bali, but immediately we are here will feel like being at Kuta Beach, Bali.

    Coastal beaches are still beautiful, although there are still leaves that are still strewn garbage because it is rarely cleaned. Underwater scenery is very beautiful, and tourists can do snorkeling as much because the waves are not too large. Ketengah towering coral reefs cause waves break in the middle magnitude. There are also hotels with varying prices, from the expensive to the hotel economically worthwhile.


  6. Bunaken is an island covering an area of ​​8.08 km ² at Manado Bay, situated on the northern island of Sulawesi, Indonesia.
    This island is part of the city of Manado, the provincial capital of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Around the island there Bunaken Bunaken marine park that is part of Manado Tua National Marine Park. This marine park has marine biodiversity among the highest in the world.

    Scuba diving attracts many visitors to the island. Overall Bunaken marine park covers an area of ​​75,265 hectares with five islands within it, namely the island of Manado Tua, Bunaken Island, Siladen Island, Island Mantehage follows several children of the island, and island Naen. Although it covers an area of ​​75,265 hectares, the location of the dive (diving) is limited in each of the five beaches that surround the island.

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